Health Inspirations
KPV Peptides: The Natural Candida Cure
It seems like most people struggle with gastro-intestinal candida overgrowth these days. Along with a myriad of troublesome symptoms, for many of my clients the main complaints are primarily gut issues and an inability to lose weight. Candida makes weight loss extremely challenging…
Breast Implant Illness: A Modern Epidemic
Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a little-known, but debilitating condition that develops in some women who have undergone cosmetic breast augmentation. Although the public has generally been made aware of the dangers of silicone implants, BII appears to be no less prevalent in women with saline implants.
Mycotoxin Illness: Is Your Home or Office Making You Sick?
Mycotoxins are toxins released by mold spores. Mold spores emit them to kill other mold species and limit local competition for space. That is all well and good outside the human body but once inside the human body those toxins can wreak havoc.
IV Ozone and UVB Therapy Now Available at BE WELL!
IV Ozone therapy is a natural, safe, and powerful therapy that can be used to promote healthy aging and treat many ailments and diseases. At a basic level, ozone therapy increases the amount of oxygen in the body to improve overall bodily function…